[04632032] Directed Research in AI System (I)

  • 06/27-09/09, 2022
  • Instructor Info
    • Contact: Yixin Zhu ([email protected])
    • Office Hours: Friday 9:30-11:30 by appointment (email only; no WeChat)
    • Office: 资源西楼2208A(五四操场南侧)
  • TA Info
  • This year’s course was only made possible with the help of Yuxi Ma and Fang Peng at BIGAI, who spent tremendous efforts in coordinating between PKU and THU and organizing activities with over 90 students.


  1. [07.07] Essay topic and instructions are available (for ‘21 THU Tong class students only).
  2. [07.04] Tencent Meeting link for the BIGAI Lectures in Week 2–3. Meeting ID: 803-103-477
  3. [07.02] Clarification of the Project Plan Presentation: (i) Oral presentation in English (10 min) + QA (5 min). (ii) The entire process will be recorded and made publicly available for replay. (iii) Students will be asked to upload slides to TAs after the presentation.
  4. [07.01] Schedule of Project Plan Presentation is available.
  5. [07.01] Calendar and Mentor Match Results has been updated.
  6. [07.01] Due to Prof. Song-Chun Zhu’s new travel plan, the first day of lecture has been delayed to a later date.
  7. [06.29] Mentor Match is now complete! Please check the results and report problems if there is any.
  8. [06.28] Upon confirmation of mentors, students will be divided into 8 groups on the basis of research topics. Project Plan Presentation will be divided accordingly. Each group will finish the training evaluation by next Monday (07.04).
  9. [06.28] Mentor Match started! We will release the results within 48 hours.
  10. [06.27] Some outstanding Research Results Presentation from last year are available for reference.
  11. [06.27] LaTeX template for course project is available.
  12. [06.27] We officially have 100 students enrolled in the class this summer!
  13. [06.27] Please contact Yuyang Li 李宇飏 for accessing private course repo.
  14. [06.25] Day 1 schedule and project overview are available.
  15. [06.22] Calendar, milestones, list of projects, and list of mentors are available.

Course Material

Learning Material

Talks and Tutorials

See all updates and video playbacks at the lab website.

Essay for ‘21 THU Tong Class

You can choose one of the two topics below and write a piece of persuasive essay; see also a beginner’s guide to writing an essay. Your essay should be no less than 8 pages (DO NOT change any margins or line spacing of the LaTeX template) with unlimited number of pages for supplementary material, references, and acknowledgment. Your essay MUST be original; please refer to the plagiarism page for details. The essay is due on July 29. No late submission will be accepted.

  • After listening to Prof. Song-Chun Zhu’s lecture, what do you think of the U-V system? Why are they important? How to achieve it?
  • Given what you have learned in the past two weeks (July 4 – July 15), elaborate your thoughts on how to achieve AGI. Specifically, you can focus on one of the following points:
    • Would deep learning based approaches achieve AGI?
    • Would compositional/logic-based approaches achieve AGI?
    • What are the key ingredients to achieve AGI?
    • Is Turing Test sufficient for testing AGI? If not, what would be a good one?

Replays (需要科学上网)

Day 1 Project Overview

课题博览会 Part1

课题博览会 Part2
Tengyu Liu
Yun Ma
Zhong Sun

Week 1 Project Plan Presentations


CV Part 1
CV Part 2
NLP Part 1
NLP Part 2
ML + AI Music
Robotics + AI Music

Week 2–3 BIGAI Lectures

CoRe - Chi Zhang

CoRe - Lifeng Fan
CoRe - Siyuan Huang
MAS - Yaodong Yang
ML - Muhan Zhang
ML - Yitao Liang
NLP - Wenjuan Han
NLP - Zilong Zheng
Robotics - Hangxin Liu
Sail - Bin Wang

Week 10 Final Presentations

Part 1

Part 2
Tencent Meeting